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I Had An Epiphany...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010
...I Mean It's The Epiphany (again!)

If we could celebrate the Epiphany the French way in China, we sure could celebrate it in Norway. My intention this year was to make the “Galette des Rois” myself but with Francois the French chef of my cooking classes offering catering I owed it to our British guests to have the best for their first taste!

Who's going to be the Queen or the King?

Here’s what I wrote a few years ago about "Epiphany" and "Galette des Rois":
Epiphany (greek for for "to manifest" or "to show"), is a Christian feast day which celebrates the revelation of God in Human form in the person of Jesus Christ. Epiphany falls on January 6.

In France, on Epiphany people eat the “galette des Rois” (a king of King Cake). Tradition holds that the cake is “to draw the kings” to the Epiphany. A figurine/trinket (usually a porcelain figurine of a king) or a bean is hidden in the cake and the person who finds the trinket “la fève” (literally the broad bean) in their slice becomes king for the day and will have to offer the next cake. A paper crown is included with the cake to crown the "king" who finds the fève in their piece of cake. To ensure a random distribution of the cake shares, it is traditional for the youngest person to place themselves under the table and name the recipient of the share which is indicated by the person in charge of handing out the pieces of cake.

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