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Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010
...But Not Counting!

Good bye China….

One last stroll through Beijing Airport

You know you are (were?) an expat in Asia when…
  1. You own a rice cooker and a dehumidifier.
  2. You mentally convert the price of something into three or four currencies before you make a decision about whether to buy it or not.
  3. You know the weather conditions in six countries just by logging onto Facebook and reading your friend’s status updates.
  4. You add “ok la” or “is it” to the end of every sentence you use.
  5. Your car cost more than the average family home in your country of origin.
  6. Your nieces and nephews are more familiar with the concept of nuclear fission than they are with you.
  7. You think that owning a lawn mower is the ultimate status symbol.
  8. You have to look twice if you see a woman without a Louis Vuitton handbag—or a man for that matter.
  9. You find it hard to control your emotions when you visit a supermarket back home, and you get more excited about your friends bringing your favorite products when they come to visit than you are about seeing them.
  10. You start to think that all Caucasians look the same.
  11. You pay your maid, driver and gardener less than $5 USD an hour and expect nothing short of blood.
  12. It’s normal to repeat your order several times in a restaurant and it’s also normal to get something completely different from the food you requested.
  13. It doesn’t surprise you to see six men crowded around a ladder trying to change a single light bulb.
  14. When you contemplate Sunday brunch you think of champagne, not eggs benedict.
  15. Your friends come and go quicker than Tiger Wood’s love interests and you have a lot of friends that you don’t really like but keep in contact with in case of a friend shortage.
  16. You can't say goodbye to someone anymore without voicing the last vowel for at least six seconds: "bab biiiiiiiiiii"

I've had posted other similar version here:


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