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I’ll Tell You Off…

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010
….If I Want To

Today was one of those days where I didn’t recognize myself.

Monday is usually ‘Me’ day; meaning I can stay in my comfy jeans & tshirt combo and do whatever I please. This usually implies lazing around the house, tidying the house after the weekend in between session of intense computer catching up (blog, photography, photoshop, gossip and everything in between) but lately my scheduling skills haven’t been very good and I find I have to go grocery shopping on that day (apparently I have a husband and 2 kids to feed…

Anyhow I also learned my lesson not to go to the grocery store first thing in the morning (read 9am) because that’s a total waste of my time. You see the stores open at 9am which mean everybody who works at the store also starts at 9am… yep you read that right and since the stores are closed on Sunday, there aren’t a lot of customers at 9am (locals know that kind of thing) but a lot of people restocking shelves. I went once at 9am and had to go again in the afternoon since fresh produce where almost non existent and I went home with only half of what was on my shopping list.

Long story short, because I didn’t intend to talk about my experience of grocery shopping but rather on getting pissed off!! As I was driving back home after my trip to the store, I was about to pull onto my little neighborhood and because we live near a school I drive very slowly, especially around 1.30-2.30 since it’s end of school day. As I was turning a corner I saw two kids walking on the sidewalk and about to cross, so I stopped. One of the kids crossed and I looked at the other kids and made eye contact. He shook his head to tell me he wasn’t going to cross. As I started to drive again he feinted to cross (‘pretend to run in front of the car’) with a smile (or was it a laugh?) on his face. My heart jumped in my chest and that’s when I think I got a out of body experience because I could see myself looking at my right hand pulling the hand-break while my left hand was opening the door. I told the kid to NEVER.DO.THAT.AGAIN. He replied with a ok, yes. Not sure he understood me but I’m pretty sure he’s not going to pull that trick again.

As I was continuing my journey home I realized how un-me this was. I would usually look back at the kids and give him the evil eye and that’s about it… I don’t know what possessed me but I think he learned his lesson. I of course prepared a little story in my head in case the mom would come knocking on my door to tell me to mind my own business and I would have a great response of how I don’t let my kids run around free and decided to be a stay at home mom and blah, blah, blah… but I think I got carried away (well at least in my head) about another issue of how most people makes you feel guilty because you’ve decided be a stay at home mom and wonder what you must be doing all day long --fyi: we eat cake and drink tea/coffee while watching old reruns on TV and only starts ‘working’ 10 minutes before Dear Husband comes back home so we can pretend we are exhausted ;-))--. Told the kids my little story when I picked them up from the bus stop; that’s what we do us stay at home mom, we pick up kids from bus stop/school and take them home and tell them  NEVER TO FEINT STREET CROSSING IN FRONT OF A CAR EVER.

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