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She's Back...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009
...And Writing Again

After my hugely successful first blog followed weekly (or was it monthly?) by four or five thousand avid readers* about our life in China I decided that I couldn't let them down and should keep on sharing my crazy thoughts on yet another place which will have the privilege to be our host country for the next 3 to 4 years (unless the big guys in Paris decide we have it too good here and send us somewhere else before that - if they read this blog they would know it ain't fun fun fun everyday)

So thank you: Cindy**, Don**, Violaine (She was the one harassing pushing me to write more when I was getting lazy), Marie (Don's neighbor who I’ve never met so I couldn't have bribed her!), and Benj (but he only discovered it recently even though I was shameless and put the link as my signature on every single one of my emails!)

Please note that Jeff is not listed because he never read the Blog...he has a close relationship with the writer and got to read the posts exclusively before they were made public. (BUT no editorial privilege at all no matter how much he tried to bribe influence me)

If you were indeed yourself an avid reader (or not so avid) and would like your name to be added to this CJ Suiter blog's wall of fame, please drop me a line (comment) and I will gladly make some room on the post for you. (This offer is only valid for the first million reader, has no expiration date and you don't need to prove anything)

So this little introduction will qualify as my first post on CJ Suiter in Norway. Please note that I'm always late on posting new thing... you can complain (via comment) but I don't think it will change a thing

Happy reading.

** Disclaimer. Cindy is my mother-in-law and Don my father-in-Law and I think by law they have a mandatory obligation to read everything I write and listen to everything I say within earring range; Don't quote me on this one as I'm not a professional lawyer just the step-daughter-in law-of one.

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